Breaking dawn
Stephenie Meyer
The international bestseller Breaking dawn is the fourth and the last book from the Twilight-series. It was published in 2008 by Atom Reprinted. It been said that it is a new Harry Potter.
The book starts from the action, as a flashback. Bella, who´s the first narrator, thinks how it feels to tell her dad Charlie that she´s going to marry Edward. Edward feels that it´s easy, but Bella thinks that the whole marriage is a mistake, but Edward won't move her to be a vampire if she won't get married with him. Of course Bella loves him, but she thinks that it is not necessary to marry him. Here´s a part from the flashback:
As the sound of Charlie´s cruiser announced his return, the ring suddenly weighed a hundred pounds on my finger. I wanted to shove my left hand in a pocket, or maybe sit on it, but Edward´s cool, firm grasp kept it front and center. " Stop fidgeting, Bella. Please try to remember that you're not confessing a murder here."
"Easy for you to say." I listend to the ominous sound of my father´s boots clomping up the sidewalk. The key rattled in the already open door. The sound reminded me of that part of the horror movie when the victim realizes she´s forgotten to lock her deadbolt.
After Bella´s wedding Edward took Bella to a small island named Isle Esme. Edward´s father Carlisle had given it as a present to Edward´s mother Esme. Carlisle and Esme aren´t Edward´s biological parents, but Carlisle had moved Edward to be a vampire as well as Esme and other parts of Cullen´s family, except Alice and Jasper. The main thing is still, that vampire´s haven´t got any kids. Until now. When Bella finds out, that she´s pregnant, Edward says that the baby must die, and calls it as a monster, because it propably kills Bella if it borns. Bella calls to Rosalie, Edward´s sister who hates her, that she needs help. Rosalie promises to help, because she has always wanted a baby and she doesn´t care if Bella dies. Jacob´s part in the story starts from there. He tells from a different side how it feels, when a woman that you love goes and marries a vampire, who will change her to be a disgusting vampire. Jacob is a human wolf, so he knows about vampires and their eating habits, and even though Bella´s new family is different and drinks only animal blood, he hates them. He doesn´t trust them at all and when they tell him that Bella is sick, he believes that she´s dead because the Cullen´s have tried to move her to be a vampire.
Just, when Cullen´s life feels perfect, Alice sees an omen, which can change it all. Will anyone survive?
Kirja soveltuu yli 12-vuotiaalle, koska se käsittää 700 sivua ja on kirjoitettu kohtuullisen vaikealla englannilla. Kirjan kanssa pärjää kyllä sanakirjalla ja kärsivällisyydellä. Muuten kaiken kaikkiaan nautin kirjasta ja jos kiinnostut kirjasta, niin se on saatavilla myös suomeksi (Aamunkoi) ja 44: llä muulla kielellä jos haluat kehittää esim. japanin kielitaitoasi...
Ellen Helminen
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